
Executive Coaching

For inner coherence and relational flow

What is this about?

When parts of our conditioning run into the challenges that are part of life and work, much of our internal bandwidth can get backlogged with irritation, resentment, hurt, anxiety, isolation, and overwhelm, rather than flowing into the projects, connections, and collaborations that we’re really here for. Relationships can become more a burden or a constant battle than a source of energy, ease, and meaningfulness.

The Inner Game
Modern psychology has shown just how much our early conditioning shapes and constrains the way we experience life and relationships – how much vitality we experience, how waylaid we get by emotions, how we deal with conflict, how much our body, heart, and mind are in sync and energized or dysregulated and overwhelming. So much of this has to do with the way we were related to during our formative years. Yet just knowing about these things doesn’t create much change. When we bring our inner and relational experience into conscious awareness, old patterns and programs ‘open’ for updating. Transformative healing and growth happen through having compelling new experiences. We draw on a variety of approaches with a strong emphasis on presence-based experiential and relational exploration to give your brain-mind-body these kinds of experiences. This results in greater capacity and resilience, more confidence, more ease and energy, more access to inspiration, more fulfilling and effective relationships, and a more regulated nervous system. The great gift of investing in this kind of inner work is that you get to take it with you wherever you go :).

The Interpersonal Field
If you’re reading this page, chances are a big part of your life and work includes others. Those relationships have a big impact on our wellbeing and on what we’re able to accomplish, don’t they? And as leaders, you have an outsized impact on the wellbeing and effectiveness of those around you. How is it going?
Most of us have gone through many years of schooling without any education about how to relate effectively. We absorb ways of relating to (or avoiding) conflict, criticism, motivation, but rarely learn what creates relationships of deep resonance, how to navigate through conflict to connection, integration, and learning, how to give and receive honest and effective feedback, how to build deep psychological safety…And yet, all of these are eminently learnable. Usually people need to first experience how it is to be on the receiving end of this kind of communication so as to get the flavor of it; then, coaching can move into training the frameworks, principles, and competencies that demystify successful and satisfying relationships.


Our work together can take various forms and durations, depending on your goals, needs, and already-existing capacity. You might want to focus on inner work, you might be motivated around upleveling your communication, and often enough it will be some combination of the two that brings the most satisfying results.

We offer both short-term packages and longer term options for deeper work. We also offer NVC-based mediation if you are in a conflict situation. You’re welcome to be in touch to explore what’s right for you.

Be in touch

Hi, I’m Danny

After finishing my degree from the Wharton School of Business in 2010, I’ve made it my business to explore what was missing for me in that education. It’s been a deep dive into wisdom traditions, psychotherapy training, mindfulness (including 15+ months on retreat), and a heck of a lot of experimenting and learning, sharing the fruits of my path in trainings for thousands of people around the world along the way. I’ve trained in Hakomi – Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy, Organic Intelligence™ for nervous system healing and optimization, AEDP and Primary Attachment Therapy for shifting core relational templates, Core Transformation for parts work, Wholeness Work for psychospiritual integration and liberation, and NVC for transforming relationships and relationship to relationships. Since 2019 I’ve been part of the core faculty of the Evolve Foundation, working with dozens of CEOs eager to bring more heart, humanness, and efficacy into their relationships and communication.