
The Art of Communication

Personal growth and relational skillfulness taken to the next level.

What is this about?

The ways we think about and communicate with each other daily so often lead to conflict, resentment, and friction. For many people relationships feel flat, lacking inspiration, energy, and meaningful connection. They drain our batteries rather than charging us. Whether with children, employees, partners, or even ourselves, we can resort to sticks and carrots, guilting, shaming, and shoulding, in a self-fulfilling sense that it’s the only way anything will get done. While this seems ‘natural’, in fact it is more a reflection of the standard SOS (societal operating system) than what evolution intended (thriving through connection and collaboration). This SOS is so ubiquitous and deeply ingrained that we may not recognize it and may so rarely encounter an alternative that we don’t know one exists.

Fortunately, there is another way.

The key is a radically different approach to relating that puts our nervous systems in a state where we feel that we’re on the same team. This is a way into connection that doesn’t depend on agreement and isn’t about being ‘nice’ rather than real. And there are maps and skills to be learned that make this readily available.

How will your life be different when you have more enjoyable closeness, efficient collaboration, and confidence about moving through conflict to connection?

Exploring new ways of relating naturally happens best with other people. This kind of learning needs to be experiential and relational to catalyze real growth and lasting change. Continuously people give the feedback that the space of connection in the course is something they’ve never experienced before, and on Zoom no less.

Hi, I’m Danny

After finishing my degree from the Wharton School of Business in 2010, I’ve made it my business to explore what was missing for me in that education. It’s been a deep dive into wisdom traditions, psychotherapy training, mindfulness (including 15+ months on retreat), systems thinking, mysticism, Nonviolent Communication, and a heck of a lot of experimenting and learning, sharing the fruits of my path in trainings for thousands of people around the world along the way. Since 2019 I’ve been part of the core faculty of the Evolve Foundation, working with dozens of CEOs eager to bring more heart, humanness, and efficacy into their relationships and communication.


“Over the years I learned that different things work for different people in the area of personal healing and growth but there is one modality I recommend to everyone without reservation, and that is NVC. In a team context, practicing NVC together increases efficiency of collaboration and builds deeper trust. I have had the opportunity to work with Danny in several settings. He brings to NVC not only his deep knowledge and experience with the modality, but also his compassion and presence. Ultimately, NVC is about what it means to be human, about deep connection to oneself and to others. Danny embodies these spirits and one could not be in better hands.”

Bo Shao, Chairman
Evolve Ventures and Foundation

“I can’t say enough how great both this course and Danny are and how essential this is for any relationship. Danny is a true master at making this material accessible, digestible and practical. I was able to create an open heart relationship with a complete stranger in a few simple sentence exchanges. I have never experienced anything like this. This material is applicable in all spheres of your life where you want to a) express yourself authentically and fully and create an environment where hearts and minds can relax and b) hold both your needs and the other persons with care and love.”

Michael Heinrich, Founder and CEO

“I am very willing to recommend more companies, especially those technology companies that need innovation and require every employee to have a sense of participation and achievement, to study NVC, and to learn and interact more with Danny. I believe that everyone can feel the invisible magic brought by NVC from him, which not only improves the connection among people, but also greatly improves efficiency of communication.”

Baiya (Zhu Ning), CEO
Youzan (leading player in B2B Saas in China)

“Learning NVC was like learning the fine melody of the heart, it helps navigate through the delicate and precious act of two people’s conflicts coming together from off key into a harmony. It is that moment of silence when you are in awe because you feel like it’s not so terrible, that there is space for you, that you are understood more than you thought, that you are not alone, that you are not in survival and that the ‘other’ can live in this small eco system you’ve built. There is room for two, there is room for more because you aren’t taking away from the other nor do you contradict. Learning with Danny has helped me not to give up in situations when it felt like the other could not possibly understand. It was like watching a master paint a masterpiece which is called compassion. It’s a reminder that life’s conflicts can look and feel different and can be translated into care.”

Sarah Mann

“Taking the NVC course with Danny has been truly eye opening for me as it made me all of a sudden observe conversations in a very different light and identify how even when we think we are giving helpful feedback or listening well, we are actually not. This has helped me to start shifting both in team conversations and 1-on-1 conversations at work, with the goal of truly understanding underlying needs people are trying to address rather than focus only on what has come out to the surface.”

Inja Radman, Co-founder and CSO
New Culture

“Danny Cohen’s Art of Communication course was consistently a highlight of my week. My partner and I took this course together during a particularly challenging time in our relationship—we were on the brink of separating because we were having a hard time communicating our feelings and needs, and empathizing with the needs of one another. This course gave us powerful practices that helped us navigate some of our most difficult conversations. Danny embodies the nonviolent communication practices he teaches, demonstrating the depth of his knowledge. He creates a container that invites both deep vulnerability and playfulness, a magical combination for learning. Working with Danny was truly transformational. I feel lucky to have found a lifelong teacher and friend.”

Sydney Bolger


Level 1 – Art of Communication

Our Nonviolent Communication (NVC) foundations course. This course teaches how to create that quality of connection where bodies and hearts can relax and flow together, so that our nervous systems can be in the state where connection and collaboration are natural.

Level 1 – Art of Communication

Meditators’ course

Our same Nonviolent Communication (NVC) foundations course tailored for meditators. 

Level 2 – Art of Empathy

In this deepening course, we’ll explore some of the next level skills and applications of empathy, with a bit of focus on skillful authentic honesty as well. We’ll practice and refine it as an art and enjoy playing in the group field of empathy.

Level 1 – Art of Communication

executives’ course

Our flagship foundations course rebuilt for executives and founders and with individual coaching built in.

Level 3 – Art of Honesty

Giving voice to life, the art of honesty is about letting life flow through us. In this course we look at getting in touch with our inner experience and speaking from embodied presence with resonant language.